Apply for Solar Team Twente 2025

Are you a student from Saxion Hogeschool and not yet sure if you want to join Solar Team Twente next year? Let us tell you about the exciting benefits that await you!


First and foremost, the whole Solar Team Twente experience is an adventure from start to finish. Picture yourself traveling through the the Australian outback, driving your very own solar car, and camping with your teammates in the Australian desert. These are just some of the incredible experiences that await you. But the adventure doesn’t stop there. Designing, building, and testing the solar car, presenting it to the world at the Car Reveal, and even organizing the logistics of getting the car and the team to Australia!

Hands-on experience

Not only will you have an adventure of a lifetime, but you will also gain valuable hands-on experience that complements your studies. As part of the technical team, you will apply the theoretical knowledge you have gained during your studies to design and optimize the solar car. Imagine using your CAD skills to create the most efficient and innovative computer model of the car. For those in the Marketing and Communication team, you will have the opportunity to create your own marketing strategy and see it come to life. And, there’s nothing quite like the rush of signing a new partner and expanding the team’s network. If you are part of the Management team, you will develop your leadership skills and improve your organisational skills!


Here’s an added bonus – your experience at Solar Team Twente can sometimes be counted as credits for your study programme! In some cases, Solar Team Twente can be considered as a minor or an internship, potentially saving you a significant amount of time in your studies. The specific arrangements vary depending on your study programme, so feel free to contact us at to learn more about this benefit and how it applies to your specific situation.

Contact with companies

Last but not least, being part of Solar Team Twente means you will have direct contact with a wide range of companies. Our extensive partner network will provide you with valuable connections and opportunities. These companies not only share their knowledge and expertise with the team, but they can also help you find internships or even future job opportunities.