This year, the first innovation edition has started. Seven highly motivated students will commit themselves to innovative and revolutionary projects, challenging the boundaries of current technology. Throughout the years, technical innovations have become significantly more complex and demanding. Therefore, during this edition the focus will shift completely towards innovation, enabling Solar Team Twente to explore areas it has not yet been able to.
The solar team is located in Enschede, the Netherlands. It is part of the University of Twente, Saxion University of Applied Sciences and ROC van Twente. Solar Team Twente is one of the biggest student teams of the Netherlands. It unites more than 150 companies in and outside the country to build the most efficient solar car of the world together with the team. Team members pause their studies for more than a year to show what one can achieve in a short period of time. Their goal is to inspire others to contribute to a more sustainable society themselves. Together, we make a difference!
Management Team
Laura Voogd
Team Manager
My name is Laura Voogd. I am 21 years old, and this year I will fulfil the role of Team Manager of the first innovation edition of Solar Team Twente. After finalizing my bachelor’s degree in Technology, Liberal Arts, and Sciences I wanted to broaden my horizon by joining this trailblazing team. This edition of Solar Team Twente will focus on exploring, innovating and effectuating what is yet unknown to us. Hence, my role as team manager will revolve around guiding the team in this new context, where the possibilities are limitless and exciting adventurous lie ahead!
Jeroen Pouwels
Account Manager
My name is Jeroen Pouwels, I am 22 years old, and I am the Account Manager of the first innovation edition of Solar Team Twente. After finishing my Bachelor Mechanical Engineering, I wanted to challenge myself in a different way than during my studies. Solar Team Twente is the ideal opportunity to accomplish this goal since it enables me to perfectly align my passion for technology with my interest in external affairs. As Account Manager my responsibilities include balancing the budget and contacting our partners.
Daan de Jong
Technical Manager / Logistics Officer
Hey, my name is Daan de Jong and I am 22 years old. During the first innovation edition of Solar Team Twente, I will take the roles of Technical Manager and Logistics officer. We want to challenge ourselves to change up the way we look at Solar Racing and Innovate the car in ways that have not been done before. Together with our partners we want to see how we can keep improving the technical systems to gain an edge during races. With knowledge from my Mechanical Engineering background, I hope to leave a mark on Solar Team Twente and make improvements like never before!
Marketing & Communications Team
Esmee Hulsman
Marketing & Communications / PR
My name is Esmee Hulsman, and I am 23 years old. During the very first innovation edition of Solar Team Twente, I am part of the communication team. My responsibilities are events, marketing & communications, and PR. After completing my third year of Health & Applied Technology, I was searching for a unique challenge outside the medical field. I am really looking forward to work in a highly motivated team and to challenge ourselves to the best of our abilities!
Technical Team
Daan Nibbering
My name is Daan Nibbering, I am 21 years old and I am the new strategist of the first innovation edition of Solar Team Twente! I finished my Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering and always liked working in interdisciplinary teams and applying my knowledge into practice. Joining Solar Team Twente allows me to develop my skills further and I am very excited to be part of a highly motivated team. As a strategist, I have the challenging and exciting task of making the strategy for the race and hopefully we can finish first with our solar car!
Roosmarijn Meijers
Electrical Engineer
I am Roosmarijn Meijers, I am 22 years old and will fulfil the roles of Electrical Engineer and Financial Administrator. After finishing by bachelor I decided to do a board year at an association to get more management and soft skills. Now it is time to step back into the Electrical Engineering world and focus more on my practical skills in a team I have long admired. As part of the first innovation edition of Solar Team Twente I will focus on adapting and innovating the solar car, implementing new solutions and testing new systems. The innovation edition is an amazing opportunity to test new and risky systems in a fast developing industry.
Vera Leeman
Research & Development Engineer
My name is Vera Leeman, and I am 22 years old. Next year, I will be the R&D engineer which means I will focus on designing and implementing new techniques to make the solar car even faster and more efficient. Being part of the first at Solar Team Twente is a unique challenge, and I am looking forward to working together with the team to create the best possible car.