Technical Manager

As Technical Manager you are the link between the Technical Team and the Management Team. You are responsible for the technical planning, progress and logistics of technical parts. Furthermore, you report towards the Management Team and partners involved.

You are responsible for all technical aspects. You are the one with an overview of the technical side of the project. You manage the planning and use this to manage the Technical Team. Your skill is to anticipate recent developments in the team to make sure deadlines are met. Making hard decisions between planning and the quality of the car will be your responsibility.

Another important part is keeping in touch with all suppliers and technical partners together with the Technical Account Manager. Together you are responsible for the acquisition of technical partners for the production of all required parts.

Together with the head of the Mechanical Team and the head of the Electrical Team you make sure the different technical disciplines work well together. As Technical Manager you have a critical attitude towards choices, designs, production and testing of the Technical Team. You prepare technical meetings so they go smoothly, goal-oriented and efficiently. Occurring problems and progress are discussed with the Management Team. In that way, you will keep them up-to-date and vice versa they keep you updated with the rest of the team. That way, you can work on solutions for the problems. Furthermore, you are responsible for the technical budget, which you’ll discuss with the Account Manager.

 Are you technically minded and is communication within technical teams one of your skills? Do you know how to keep an overview, look ahead and can you transform this into a realistic and iterative planning? Identify possible problems and prevent them? Critically minded and know how to motivate a team? Apply for the function of technical manager of Solar Team Twente!

Are you curious, do you have any questions, or do you just want to know more about this position?  Send your question(s) to and we will get back to you as soon as possible!