Technical Account Manager

As Technical Account Manager for Solar Team Twente you have a wide scale of tasks to perform. You are responsible for the acquisition of new technical partners and maintaining the good relations with our existing partners. You do this by calling, mailing and visiting potential partners. You are the primary contact for partners and responsible for accountmanagement.

You will focus on our technical partners. They have a diverse portfolio of collaborations, as sharing knowledge, financial contributions and material supply. You will be able to be in contact with small local and big international companies with a diverse range of collaborations. You make sure to supply your colleagues in the Marketing and Communication Team with enough details about the specific wishes of your partners. You will also assist the Technical Team in getting their materials and tools to build the best car. All this gives you a unique position in working closely together with the entire team!

You are part of the Management Team. Together you will be responsible for making the budget. You are involved in both the acquisition and budgeting of resources. This makes you a key player in the finances of the team! You will try to predict the money flow in order to anticipate on risk and opportunities that will arise. You discuss issues with the Management Team for which you present clear overviews.

We are looking for someone who is passionate about the project, a strong communicator, relationship-oriented and knows a little bit about negotiation tactics. You keep your head cool, are enthusiastic and you follow through on your plans. Presenting Solar Team Twente on location to a partner is not something you shy away from. We are looking for a true team player who will go to great lengths to achieve your targets. Does this position sounds like you, then you’re probably the one we’re looking for!

Are you curious, do you have any questions, or do you just want to know more about this position? Send an email to and your questions will be answered!