Today is wisdom Wednesday! The day where we enlighten you a little more on the technical aspects of our project. This week: something completely different. The science behind a strong team! How do you select, maintain and motivate a winning team?

One team, one dream

20 Students dedicating themselves for one and a half year to a challenging project, where innovation is a must, and winning first place at the World Solar Challenge 2017 is the dream. That is what it means to be part of Solar Team Twente. It is very well imaginable that you don’t just put any 20 students together, but a well composed team. But how do you know at the beginning which people to put together, how they will work together during their intensive collaboration and how do you ensure that you remain a strong team with successes but also during adversities.

Recruiting the team

Which personalities collide? How do you handle this? What drives our team members and do these match? These are aspects which are taken into account when selecting a new team. During the application process each aspiring team member fills in three scientifically based tests from PiCompany which are used to determine his/her personality, drives and cognitive capacities. These results have been used to compose the current team!

Connector ability test (Cognitive capacities)

This test measures the G-factor, a common intelligence factor. Intelligence predicts the ease with which someone can solve new issues and learn new information. This presents a clear image of how someone within a specific function in the team will approach his/her problems. The test is mostly used as a preselection tool for the team and to assess if and how someone fits in the team.

Reflector big five personality (Personality)

Everybody has character traits which make him/her to who they are; their personality. This is what makes someone naturally show a certain behavior but rarely show another. Knowing who you are is important to be able to adequately play in to events occurring in the team. Especially when you’re in an intensive collaboration for one and a half year! When filling in the test five personality traits are being assessed:

Reflector drives (Drives)

What energizes a team member? What motivates them? When the work of a team member reflects his/her drives, the team member experiences this as working towards their goals. That motivates. It results in an increased performance and involvement of the team members with the overall goal! This test helps map the teams drives and provides the opportunity to compare the scores of individual team members.

How to proceed?

The results of the tests have been assessed and used as input for the composition of the sub teams. Meanwhile the team is well on their way and has already organized several teambuilding activities. Something which is also very important to keep the team together! Interested in what they do to make their team as strong as they are? Watch the video (Dutch) below where teamleader Olivier Berghuis shares his experiences with being the frontman of the team and what he does to direct the team towards the finish line this October!

Wisdom Wednesday recap:

  • To compose the best team possible it is important to know how everyone’s drives and personalities fit together.
  • Different functions require different personalities. Having completely different personalities within a team does not adversely affect the results of the team. Diversity is good!
  • When aligned on what the goal is how to work towards it, the victory is never far away!

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