This week collaboration between different nationalities is key during the international project week of Saxion University of Applied Sciences. Students work on assignments that are bought in by various clients. Eight groups are working on assignments for Solar Team Twente.

Find ways where society is calling technology
The kick-off of the project week included a presentation by André Kuipers in the Wilmink theatre, in Enschede. André Kuipers, one of the most famous Dutch astronauts, spoke about his expenses with international collaborations. “Find ways where society is calling technology” he said. This is exactly what Saxion has in mind with this project week: bringing society and technology together, by having students from different nationalities working on cases for companies.

Front-end: Safe and clear
Marijn Kalter, responsible for the race strategy in Australia, is the mentor of four groups with in total twenty students. To be able to drive a good and safe race it is important that all data from the solar car can be seen and used. Simply said the date is send in small packages, unwrapped and shown at a “front-end”. Marijn says: “we have asked the students to redesign the front-end, they should mind the clarity and adaptability of the design. I look forward to the progress they will show during the presentations this Friday!”

Solar panel modeling
Electrical engineer Rob Kräwinkel also mentors four groups. His assignment focuses on modelling a solar panel. It is important to know how well a panel will perform during the race in Australia, before it is actually build. By running simulations of the model the design can be optimized. To create a reliable model you need different data sets, amongst others weather and solar data. The assignment asks the students to create such a model from scratch. The more parameters they are able to incorporate, the more accurate the model will be. Rob says: “It is great that multiple groups work on this assignment. The different approach and perspective of groups can lead to multiple insights, and thus a good chance to find better results and solutions for our current model.”

Friday October 8th the international project week comes to an end and the groups will presents their projects. Curios to see the results? Keep posted via our website and social media!