TT werkenThe last straw
Our technical team members are currently completing Red One.
All the parts are being perfectly connected to each other.
Each team member does the tasks at his/her own space in our workshop ‘Green One’.

Red One

TT werken     TT werken

TT werken      TT werken

Practising protocols
During the race there are predefined places where we have to stop for half an hour, the so-called control stops. At these stops Red One will be boosted and recharged, and we can refuel the other convoy cars and stretch our legs after such a long drive. We only have 30 minutes, so everybody has to know what to do. Therefore, we made a special protocol: the control stop protocol. Team member Gijs Rolff was monitoring the protocol practice.

protocollen oefenenprotocollen oefenen

And also relaxation
Besides all the hard work it is important to do something ‘different’ sometimes. However, even at these times we do not ‘get away’ from the solarteam project. During the BBQ with the Alawa Scouts we coloured our one and only Solar Team Twente colouring picture. The children give up their home base, the Alawa Scouting Hall, to us for 1,5 month. This BBQ was not the only one last week. A few days earlier we grilled hamburgers with the solarteams from Delft, Eindhoven and Leuven, at a beautiful spot on the beach and warm sunset.

Take a look at our Flickr page for more pictures from Down Under Week 2 !

bbq solarteams

bbq scouting